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God Eater Burst One of the Best Psp Game

GOD EATER Burst (Psp)
[Image: c587672858.jpg]

In God Eater, the earth has been ruined by mutated beasts known as the Aragami and mankind's only hope against them is the Jinki weapons and the God Eaters who wield them. Players will create their own hero and battle more than 35 unique enemy types to find items to customize their weapons, guns, bullets and shields to increase their strength and stamina. A unique predator mode will add a new level of strategy as players transform their Jinki to beast form to gain a boost in stats and special bullets to launch potent attacks solo or with up to four friends.

[Image: 9f42b4cc20.jpg]

[Image: b7f598af33.jpg]


[Image: da63659ae3.jpg]

Good Share! Big Grin

thankz dude...

[Image: da63659ae3.jpg]

anyone playing this in the PHL?
lets play!

me lolz... but i already finished this im still waiting for new episode....

[Image: da63659ae3.jpg]

i already close to finishing it,
heard that there is a dlc for this
and that god eater 2 will be available next year still on the psp!

(11-21-2011, 10:09 AM)redstar0012 Wrote:  i already close to finishing it,
heard that there is a dlc for this
and that god eater 2 will be available next year still on the psp!

gudluck hope you finish that...

[Image: da63659ae3.jpg]

nice game... i already finished this game...

wow nice i think you nid played god eater 2 more fun and good features but coming soon.

[Image: da63659ae3.jpg]

i have played game on psp similar name like this "god eater" but i can't remember

[Image: b71e7a.jpg]

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